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If you love to power up those muscles, shed off some excess fat, and stay fit always, you must get down to some good exercise routine. At this juncture, you now have to consider which workout piece will contribute the most to you accomplishing your fitness ambitions. Will it be a weighted vest or a plate carrier?


It has become a much talked about topic on whether plate carriers are better for exercise routine than weighted vests or if it is the other way round. And every time this topic is considered, it is concluded that for certain remarkable reasons, weighted vests are more fitting for exercise routines than plate carriers.

This text examines the use of weighted vests, and why you might prefer to consider them over plate carriers when you workout.

What Is A Weighted Vest?

Weighted vests are tops worn with already attached weights on them. Sometimes, the weights are sewn directly into the fabric; and at other times, the weights come in a different, adjustable piece, to help you adjust it to your specific preference.

The original notion behind using a weighted vest is to employ that basic rule of exercise routine tagged as the progressive overload. The progressive overload implies you slowly heightening the pressure you place on your body as you exercise. This rule will get your body to adapt as you progress. It is best done with the adjustable weighted vests.

Why Are Weighted Vests Preferable To Plate Carriers?

  • Even Weight Distribution

Weighted vests are designed in a way that they distribute the weight evenly to the different parts of the body. This makes it easier to get the weight balanced, and lessens the chance of sustaining an injury.

  • The Hands Are Free

The weight on a weighted vest is worn rather than carried. Hence, the hands are free and can be used for other useful actions.

  • Adjustability

This advantage is core to the impact weighted vests have when they are used, following the progressive overload rule.

With all of these pros in place, there is that certainty that you will get just the best from a weighted vest when you use them.

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